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Cateno De Luca Wikipedia

Cateno De Luca: From Activist to Mayor of Messina

Early Life and Activism

Cateno Roberto De Luca was born on March 18, 1972, in Fiumedinisi, Sicily, Italy. From a young age, he displayed a strong passion for politics and activism. At the age of 18, he joined the Sicilian Regionalist Party and quickly rose through the ranks.

Political Career

De Luca's political career took an unexpected turn in 2018 when he ran for mayor of Messina as an independent candidate. To his surprise, he emerged victorious, defeating the incumbent mayor. Since then, he has served as mayor of the city, implementing various reforms and initiatives.

Controversies and Criticism

De Luca's tenure as mayor has not been without controversy. His outspoken personality and unorthodox methods have drawn both praise and criticism. Despite the challenges, he remains a popular figure in Messina, known for his dedication to the city and its people.

Recent Developments

In recent years, De Luca has been involved in a legal battle related to his use of public funds. However, despite these setbacks, he has continued to pursue his political ambitions. In the upcoming Sicilian regional elections, he has announced his candidacy for president of the region.
